( 3 ) Center Theatre Groupbrand identity, print, digital, environmental graphics Center Theatre Group is one of the largest theatre companies located in Los Angeles. This project is focused on creating a new identity system for the Center Theatre Group (CTG). I chose to hypothetically rebrand CTG for my interest in stage based performances and the opportunity for me to think about what kind of experiences the performing arts entity could have for audiences in post pandemic era.
The new identity system is inspired by the blocking, a term used in theatre to describe the location of actors on the stage and the movements that they make. A square block, the graphic element of the new logo aligns with the institutional mission of CTG: “the connection between artists and audiences that only starts on the stage”.
The identity system seamlessly applied to essential print collateral pieces such as posters, tickets, and program flyers. The graphic element from the “square block” works as information containers and indicators of the show date.